Friday, March 31, 2006

London Burning

I am reading this awesome biography of The Clash right now, supplied to me by my main man RobbieO. It's called "Passion is a Fashion - the real story of The Clash", written by former MoJo magaizine editor Pat Gilbert. Even if you are not a big fan of The Clash or punk rock in general, you should still read this as it provides an excellent insight into the beginnings of punk music in London in the late 1970's and the music scene there in general. I'm usually not a big fan of the whole biography thing, but I highly recommend this one.


Tuesday, March 21, 2006

The Goosebump Theory

That's the main test for good shit. If it creates goosebumps, it's good. If it still creates goosebumps after multiple plays, then it's great. The head-bob test works too, but pretty much only for hiphop.
